Post by magnus on Aug 3, 2009 17:08:41 GMT -5
OH SHIT — SUSIE'S ON FIRE AGAIN.winterthorne academy for the gifted. a lot of the outsiders make fun of the name. i mean—what, do retards go there, or something? well, its definitely a special type of people walking these halls. this particular academy serves people with magyckal needs. have you found out that you can throw fire from your hands? see your dead mother's ghost? maybe turn into a wolf int he moonlight? if so, then winterthorne is the place for you. wintetorne offers a variety of classes, from those you studied in regular high school, to more unusual classes—from (but not limited to) old runes, battle tactics, controlling your powers, and astronomy. the school is perfectly located at isolated castle ayelet, in the snowy mountains of germany. winterthorne is one of the best kept secrets of the world, no ordinary human has ever seen inside of it. to them, its just a prestigious boarding school full with too much money to spend. which it is... but we can drop your ass off a pyramid if you say so to our faces. winterthorne is a perfect school, and you better not say otherwise. actually, its almost perfect. lately there have been a few...disturbances. students gone missing, people snapping. but its nothing the school can't take care of. a body count of two can't be that bad. assuming that you've now recieved the letter of acceptance and you've chosen to leave the mundane world behind as you know it, take the silver key that was attached to it. the key opens the front door to the academy's gates—the only way in to winterthorne to start the journey at your new school. i wonder what other keys you'll be able to find... x WELCOME TO WINTERTHORNE._______________________________________ winterthorne academy for the gifted is a supernatural roleplay. it is not based upon any book. this is not harry potter. this is not twilight. it is a school for magical creatures or humans who have developed unique powers. for example, some races available at winterthorne are demons, faeries, sirens, and angels. we have teachers, students, staff, and other positions available for your original character--or, feel free to take a canon. (: remember to keep in with the theme...cause, hey, a body count of seventeen can't be that bad, right?
it's your time to decide:
do you want to fight for humanity...
or against it?
Post by priscilla on Aug 3, 2009 17:49:21 GMT -5